Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Best Weight Loss Programs

Here they are, the Best Weight Loss programs on the market today.

We interviewed over 100 people and tried the diets ourselves to come up with the best diets.
In doing the research to find the best weight loss programs, we looked at many criteria:
Long term weight loss, how many people lost weight and were able to keep it off with the program or diet.
Steady weight loss, which programs or diets did the participants have a steady and healthy weight loss. If they lost too much weight too fast, we found many of them gained it plus more back when they went on to the maintenance phases.
Ease of use, did we have to cook special or expensive meals? Were we able to use normal everyday food we had in our kitchens? The ones that supply meals, were they edible? Would we want to eat them again? Was there enough of a variety to keep us interested and willing to stick to the diet?
Did we lose fat or muscle? Hopefully fat!
In search of the best diet programs, we came across allot of fad diets and diets not fit for any human.
We looked for diet programs that were simple and stuck to the basics of healthy eating and losing weight without any drugs or so called diet pills.
We found that certain diets do work better for some people than others. Check out our specific reviews for each diet program and i'm sure you will find one that's right for you.
If there is a specific diet program that you swear by and it's not on our Best Weight Loss Programs list, please feel free to write a review below.
If we have not reviewed it yet, we will be happy to take a look at it.
Good luck on your weight loss journey and enjoy your new healthy lifestyle.

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